Issue #485, May. 12th 2024

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Citrus League - Mystery of the Missing Members!

With the Citrus League's fourth season coming to a close, fans across the globe are excitedly discussing their favourite players and moments from the season, and looking forward to what comes next. For some fans though, they have been left with no moments to discuss for their favourite players. Bronze Wyrms, Drill Bits, and Skycats faithfuls have been left wondering what happened to certain players who were announced to be playing this season but never once hit the field.

The most notable omission for fans of the Citrus League is almost certainly Terry Angela. This former star of the Canalave Dreams was announced to be transferring to the Drill Bits mid-season 4, but never made his big stage appearance. This made neither Dreams nor Drill Bits fans happy, since neither liked to see such a big name player being benched the way he was. We reached out to the Drill Bits manager for comment, and they had this to say:
“Look, I get it. You’re a fan of the Dreams? You’re looking at the number one fan of the Dreams right here. Of course I wanted Terry to be there, we just didn’t find the synergy was where it needed to be. All I can say is keep watching cause we have lots of ideas in store for the Dreams fans in the audience and I’ll be front and center to watch them this Yuzu season.”
Sounds like it was just a case of wrong place, wrong time for Terry. But if they are to be believed, there are some big things cooking for Dreams and Drill Bits fans alike which will hopefully make up for Terry's absence. We know we'll be keeping watch on what comes next!

The Hammerlocke Bronze Wyrms also had a couple of missing players, having announced a Lucario and Blissey who did not see season play. The Bronze Wyrms are famously a 'silent' team in the news, not ones to take up interviews, sponsorships, or promotional campaigns. The enigmatic nature of the Bronze Wyrms only adds to their charm for many fans, but even still the unexplained missing players caught the eye of the Hammerlocke community. We managed to get in contact with the manager of the Bronze Wyrms, who allowed us to talk with the players who weren't able to make it to the field this season. The first up was their Lucario, Jack Callow.

Jack: "Nice to make your acquaintance. I'm Jack Callow, although I'm sure the manager already mentioned as such."
Aya: "Same to you. I'm Aya Shameimaru of the Sunyshore Scuttlebutt, do you mind answering a few questions for us regarding the last season?"
J: "Sure. What would you like to know?"
A: "So you were signed to the Hammerlocke Bronze Wyrms for the fourth season that just finished, but you did not end up playing any matches in the season. Do you have any comments on that?"
J: "Ah, yes. I did a lot of practice during the Bronze Wyrms' preseason, but something came up unfortunately that ended up cutting my season short."
A: "Do you mind elaborating on that?"
J: "Hm, well... It was a family emergency that I'd rather keep private, which was why it wasn't already reported on."
A: "Ah, of course. Say no more, that's all I need to know."
J: "Yes... I feel a bit disappointed that I couldn't end up playing at all, but family comes first. Hopefully the fans understand, and perhaps they will see more of me in future seasons."
A: "Thank you for your time, Mr. Callow!"
J: "Of course, thank you as well."

The other player of the Bronze Wyrms who was recruited but never saw play was their Blissey, Euphemia.

Euphemia: "Hello hello! Nice to meet you, this is so exciting! My first interview!"
Aya: "Great to meet you! I'm Aya Shameimaru of the Sunyshore Scuttlebutt, could I ask you a few questions about your season?"
E: "Sure thing! I mean it wasn't super thrilling, but I can tell you whatever you wanna know!"
A: "Alright, then! So, you were signed to the Hammerlocke Bronze Wyrms this last season, but didn't end up playing any matches. Tell us about that."
E: "Oh, yeah, so basically what happened is just that I'm a very specialized player, as you probably expect from Blissey we have a very particular playbook. Both myself and the manager knew when I was signed that it was very possible that my role wouldn't need to be filled depending on how the meta played out. So while I didn't play any matches, I'm still very glad I got to hold down that role in the chance that a defensive wall was needed. This season just ended up too quick-paced for my talents."
A: "I see, I see! Thats quite understandable, and indeed this season did end up very offensively-biased, so it makes sense a player like you wouldn't have as much place."
E: "It's just how the season shook out. Perhaps in a future season I'll be the star player, you never know!"
A: "Thank you very much for your time!"
E: "Thank you too! Have a great day!"

As you can see, the Bronze Wyrms missing players both had fairly simple explanations as to their non-player status. Hammerlocke fans should keep their eyes peeled in the future, as its very possible either player will make a return in upcoming exhibitions or seasons!

Moving on to our last team with missing players, the Sootopolis Skycats. the Skycats had recruited a Luxray, Absol, and Abomasnow during the preseason, but they have all been completely missing in action. We attempted contacting the Skycats manager for comment on their missing players, but he was far too busy with his duties as commissioner to make time for our publication. In absence of official word, we have done our own investigations into the identities of these missing members which we will now share with you, our loyal readers.

Our investigation takes us to the streets of Sootopolis, home of the Skycats. Asking around about the Skycats, we are directed to a local pub famous in Sootopolis for its Littleroot Root Beer, the Flying Ace pub. Run by a pair of former competitive battlers (a flying type specialist and ace trainer respectively), the Flying Ace is also home to weekly meetings of the Sootopolis Superfan Syndicate. It was at one of these meetings where we got our first clue to the whereabouts of the missing Skycats members through a fan enjoying his root beer.
"An Absol playing for the Skycats? Oh yeah I know her, we went to college together, over on the south side of town, you know. I can see if I can hook you up with some contacts."
A fortuitous lead, this friend of a friend of our missing Absol got us in contact with the player's roommate, who generously invited us to a local cafe to meet up with the two of them. We sat down for a chat over a cup of Pearl Grey, and got to know our mysterious friend.

Jane: "Howdy! Nice meeting you, I'm Jane Cool, competitive battler and rookie on the Sootopolis Skycats, but I'm sure you knew that part already."
Aya: "Nice meeting you as well, I'm Aya Shameimaru from the Sunyshore Scuttlebutt, and I'd like to ask you a few questions about the latest season, if that's all right with you."
J: "Of course, although there's not much to tell, hehe... What would you like to know?"
A: "Well for starters, how did you get your start in battling, and how did you come to join the Skycats?"
J: "I got into battling in the collegiate level, I went to the local Sootopolis university south of the lake, and found a talent for it. The Skycats recruiters probably saw my name when looking for new talent and sent a deal, which I quickly accepted."
A: "I see! Now, if I'm correct you acted as a bench warmer all season for the Skycats? Tell us about that."
J: "Ah, Y-yes... The manager kept saying "you'll get your chance next week", "it's not your time yet", stuff like that. I guess I just wasn't strong enough compared to the other members for their liking? But it makes me wonder why they gave me the contract..."
A: "Do you think perhaps it was because you were a fresh face from the local scene? The Skycats often talk a big game about their local culture, yet their team seems to be lacking in that department, outside of players like you."
J: "I was thinking that myself. The only other Hoennese player on the team was our Flygon, so its possible I was just a diversity hire, there to appease the fans. I think it may have backfired though, since a lot of my college friends who used to be huge fans have soured on the brand after seeing all these matches come and go without me actually competing. Lots of harsh words spoken about the man in charge."
Jane declined any further questions on the matter of the Skycats, wishing to focus more on her future once her contract lapses and she is back on the market. "I joined the Citrus League looking to play and show my skills, not to make money. Unless the Skycats change their tune, I'm not going to be signing for them again."

With one mysterious missing player found, we continued our investigation. Heading back the Flying Ace for more clues (and another glass of that Littleroot Root Beer,) we are caught off-guard as our quarry seems to have found us first. A Luxray sitting at a darkened corner table makes eye contact across the bar, before beckoning us over.

Shad: "So I hear you've been searchin' for the Luxray who never showed, right? Well you're lookin' right at him. Name's Shad O'Links... Let's get right into it, huh?"
Aya: "It looks like my reputation precedes me! I'm Aya Shameimaru of the Sunyshore Scuttlebutt, do you mind if I ask you a few questions Mr. O'Links?"
S: "Just Shad. Go right ahead, but don't expect anything newsworthy..."
A: "Alright then, how did you get your start in battling, and how did you come to join the Skycats?"
S: "Same as a lot of people, I'd bet. Started in Little Cup as a kid and just kept goin through my school days. I was good at it too, damn good. Not a single player in my town league could beat me. Seemed only natural to aim higher, yeah? So I sent out applications to a ton of teams, and the Skycats saw my strength for what it was and gave me an offer."
A: "Mm, now of course the catch there is that you never ended up playing a single game for the Skycats this season. Any comment on that?"
S: "Tch, don't remind me. That gutless and brainless manager didn't understand a damn thing. Every week I'd put in hours in training just to get benched for that meathead Machamp throwing the same punch over and over. Or even worse, that damn onion fairy who couldn't even remember their gameday plans. How do you just forget to do trick room!? It was seriously amateur hour out there."
A: "While I'm not going to disagree, it must be stated that the Skycats picked up the Lemon Lime trophy this season with only three losses. How much more could they have done?"
S: "We could've been great. Fourteen and o' full sweep. But no, we gotta keep Shad on the bench while we lose to teams like the Sizzle Kicks and the Hooligans. What a joke..."
A: "So I take it you weren't a fan of your time with the Skycats?"
S: "Understatement of the year. I can't wait to wipe my hands of those clowns."
A: "Thank you very much for your time and comments! Please look forward to the article!"
S: "Sure, no prob. I'm sure this won't be the last time we meet like this, heh. My name's gonna be all over the headlines soon enough."

With that done, only one missing player remained for us to find. However, dear readers, this is where we must admit that the trail went colder than a blizzard. Even among die-hard Skycats fans, not a one had any leads towards the unknown Abomasnow. In fact, every single person shared the strange sentiment that the Skycats never hired an Abomasnow to begin with, reacting with abject confusion to my investigating.
"An Abomasnow for the Skycats? Are you sure you're not just getting your wires crossed? There were a lot of Abomasnow in the league this season... but never one for the Skycats."
"Abomasnow? in Sootopolis? Don't be ridiculous, with the snowstorms those guys whip up it would've made huge news if one came to town. I almost wish there was one, it gets bloody hot out in the springtime."
"Hmm... Nope, don't recall hearing about any Abomasnow playing for the Skycats. I've got all the players memorized, even down to each name they went by this season in order! But nothing about an Abomasnow, you must be mistaken."
One fan even produced their copy of the Hoenn Star-Tribune revealing the Skycats' starting roster for the season, and Abomasnow wasn't on there, despite it appearing in the scanned copy I had acquired for research. Based on my investigations, if an Abomasnow ever WAS a member of the Sootopolis Skycats, it evidently fell victim to some phenomenon far beyond regular comprehension. Perhaps this has something to do with the strange time-space fluctuations that happened in Circhester late in the season, but that's just one reporter's theory. Regardless, we cannot produce any information on this player, if they ever did exist at all.

Thank you to our lovely readers for their support, and we hope to see you again in the next season of the Citrus League!

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