When Chaos

Website of Jared (Real)

Favorite Final Fantasy Music - FFI

I’ve had this idea for a minute but have Struggled to start it so HAHA we’re finally doing it

Final Fantasy music is Really good and I want to share my favorite songs so I’m just gonna go by game and list like my top 5

FFI was hard to pick cause there’s not a lot of songs? Also I wasn’t sure if I wanted to exclude certain songs because they became series mainstays but i decided I don’t care and if it stands out to me I’m doing it

Linking the PS remake versions cause those are the easiest to find

5. Temple of Chaos

I like the melody in this one :) I think I like the original NES version more cause it sounds like, super heroic and final like you’re a party of 4 warriors who traveled back in time to go kill the final evil (almost like you are???? wooooow)

4. Mount Gulg

3. Final Battle

2. Miniboss Battle

1. Opening Theme