Tandin Lagorn
~ Battling Blacksmith in Infused Armour ~

quick statistics
pronouns: he/him
age: 74
birthday: 3/13
height: 4'4"
weight: 210 lbs
blood type: B
eyes: orange
hair: blonde
fav colour: red
fav flavor: salty
fav element: fire


  • A blacksmith who believed the best offence is a good defence. Devoted himself to the craft of smithing heavy armour and shields to be used for protection. His devotion was so strong that he had been granted the power of the Light, which he further infused into his creations to create even stronger equipment for the protection of others.
  • Over time realized that armour is only as good as its wielder, so he took to the battlefield to use his creations to their greatest potential, using his heavy light-infused armour to take hits and keep others safe through direct action.


  • Is very proud of his craft, considers himself a blacksmith first and a fighter second.
  • Very reserved and tempered. Keeps a cool head about him and always looks at things analytically.
  • Gives out genuinely great constructive criticism. Sometimes it hurts to hear it, but it's because he's usually right about whatever you need to shore up on. He values your performance and continued survival over a little bit of feelings being hurt.


  • Apprentices a young human girl, teaching her the tenets of his craft and his vow, hoping to pass on his art should he perish in combat.