血汐 雪子 - Chishio Setsuko
~ Cold-Blooded Hero in Training ~

quick statistics
pronouns: she/her
age: 16
birthday: 12/2
height: 163 cm
weight: 53 kg
blood type: AB
eyes: sky blue
hair: dark blue
fav colour: teal
fav flavor: sweet
fav element: ice


  • A young girl living in Japan. Developed her Cold-blooded quirk at a young age, and has spent much of her time since then training applications of it in hopes of becoming a hero.
  • Was barely able to pass the entrance exam to attend UA academy, is studying hard to become a registered Hero after graduation.


  • Wants to be social, but at her core is a shy shut-in, spending most of her time in her room with the air conditioning maxed out.
  • Has a fancy gaming PC that she mostly uses to play MMOs and read fanfiction.
  • Not very talkative, prefers to communicate through text. Her teachers expect this to be a potential problem if she does become an active-duty hero, so they try to make her speak up more in class.
  • Likes giving and receiving hugs but is very self-conscious about how cold she is.

quirk information

  • Her quirk, "Cold-Blooded", causes her blood to be unnaturally cold, similar to liquid nitrogen (although not that extreme). As a result, her body temperature when resting is about a few degrees above freezing. When her blood pressure rises the temperature drops further, becoming cold enough to freeze water on touch or even turn the air around her to frost in extreme cases.
  • Her mother's quirk involved a resistance to extreme temperatures, while her father's quirk is one of enhanced blood control, being able to direct and adjust his blood pressure at will and clot wounds quickly. As Setsuko grows, she has gained some aspects of her father's quirk, with some slight active control over her blood pressure if she concentrates.
  • Some side effects of her quirk are that her breath appears very foggy as it does in winter time due to chilling the air in her lungs, and she's prone to getting heatstroke very easily. She's very vulnerable to flame-based quirks but has an innate resistance to other cold-based ones.
  • If she focuses too hard on using her quirk she starts to lose feeling in the body parts with less blood flow. Since she's usually focusing the blood to her core and extremities for fighting, this typically means her brain is left lacking and she's prone to passing out.


  • When not wearing the UA uniform, she generally wears a lot of loose clothing that doesn't hold in body heat such as tank tops, shorts, skirts, etc.
  • Her hero costume is a tough vacuum-insulated top around her core with large cooling fans on the back, a pair of shorts, and some long gloves and socks made out of a thermally conductive material that connect to large heatsinks on her shoulders and hips. It also comes with a tank of water connected to a small water gun that she can use to shoot frosty attacks and icicles.