~ Cuddly Touch-Starved Succubus ~

quick statistics
pronouns: she/her
age: 25
birthday: 11/18
height: 157 cm
weight: 51 kg
blood type: A
eyes: red
hair: black/red
fav colour: scarlet
fav flavor: salty
fav element: shadow

Scarlet is from an original setting i created called Asterum, learn more here!


  • A young succubus girl who moved out of her home in Umbra and is living on her own in an apartment in the middle of nowhere, USA.
  • Cubus culture places a lot of importance on finding loving partners and getting close with them, but Scarlet has never felt the drive to date or do anything particularly intimate. She moved out partly to avoid the peer pressure of her family bringing it up.
  • Is currently unemployed, as she left her last job a while back and hasn't found a good replacement yet. Not one thats hiring and accepting of Umbrans, at least.


  • Very shy to try making friends, but will quickly warm up to people once they've shown a measure of commitment to staying in touch. Her shyness is multiplied tenfold when meeting people in person, vastly prefers talking to people online.
  • As a result of the above, she has basically zero friends in her area, so she's lonely and incredibly touch-starved. She craves cuddles and wishes her online friends were closer so she could just chill with them and give them hugs.
  • Absolutely loves cute things, and owns an uncountable amount of plushies of various animals and characters. Her favourite is a giant blue shark plush that she hugs when she goes to sleep every night, because it almost feels like she has somebody else there with her. Almost.


  • Cubus have the magical ability to draw strength and sustenance from positive emotions directed at them, and the effect strengthens with proximity and physical contact. Scarlet's online friends do provide her with plenty of positive emotions, but the physical distance means they amount to very little.
  • Is terrified of the concept of dating apps. You mean people just randomly get matched and then immediately meet up in person to do romantic stuff!? Are you not supposed to get to know each other as friends first before trying to date people!???
  • Is an avid MMO player, and has both met and lost many friends in their online shared spaces. She mainly plays healer since it attracts the gratitude of other players, which in turn makes her feel better. In solo situations though, she switches to DPS roles.
  • She only recently found out about the asexuality spectrum and has realized that she's definitely somewhere on it, though not 100% sure where.