~ Void-Empowered Paladin of Fury ~

quick statistics
pronouns: she/her
age: 29
birthday: 1/12
height: 5'8"
weight: 139 lbs
blood type: O
eyes: blue
hair: purple
fav colour: black
fav flavor: spicy
fav element: shadow


  • Phaazedrift always dreamed of being a paladin, and tried her best to devote herself to the Light in the hopes of being blessed by the Sunwell. Unfortunately, despite her efforts, she was simply unable to channel the Light, and was rejected by the Sunwell. Her former colleagues spread word of her being a dropout failure who would never be a true paladin, and she fell into a depressive episode.
  • In her vulnerable state, she was tempted by an offer by a follower of Umbric, who spoke of an alternative to the Light. She was taken to the Telogrus Rift where she was immersed in void energies, and allowed it to flow through her.
  • With the traditional path to Paladinhood closed to her, she used void as a supplement to become a new type of Paladin, powered by darkness rather than Light.


  • Loves fighting and showing off her skills, and is always looking for someone who is able to keep up with her in a fight, to the point of putting off many potential training partners with her overeagerness to battle.
  • She's very loud, often forgetting to use her 'indoor' voice during casual conversations. She's partially deaf, and combined with the void whispering to her leads to her often needing things repeated to her.
  • Very bad at picking up other people's tone of voice, especially sarcasm.
  • When she hasn't had the chance to vent in a while, she gets very irritated and is prone to exploding on anything that sets her off. She's at her calmest right after a big fight. Probably owns like 8 various stress-relieving toys.


  • Doesn't care to 'regulate' her intake of void energy as other void elves do, she instead takes it and 'vents' it through intense combat and training. Without the void flowing through her, she would likely burnout incredibly quickly, if she could even lift her weapons at all.