~ Monk who was One with Nothing ~

quick statistics
pronouns: they/them
age: 2934
birthday: 7/21
height: 6'11"
weight: 143 lbs
blood type: AB
eyes: white
hair: grey
fav colour: black
fav flavor: sweet
fav element: nature


  • Nonaffluent was a poor, homeless nightborne street urchin who lived in Suramar city. They were born into a poor family that he probably lost, and lived a very squalid life. They could barely afford to buy enough food to get by, and couldn't learn magic or any way to fight, so they trained themself with their fists to get by living on the streets. They slowly started to go insane due to a lack of arcane energy in their system, causing them to lose their identity and forget much of their past. The only personal identifier they had was what the upper-class nightborne referred to them as, "one of those nonaffluent elves."
  • Eventually they find their way to the Nightfallen base in Shal'aran, where they stay until the Arcandor Tree is grown and they are gifted one of the Arcandor fruits by an undead who helped free the Nightfallen. They refuse the gift, claiming that they can't remember their past and are just a nobody, but the undead sympathizes with them, telling that they also don't remember their past but are still able to adventure and help people. This inspires Nonaffluent to take the fruit and strive to better themself and help others.
  • Having nothing, they decide to go on a spiritual journey and learn the ways of the monk. They strive to use the rejuvenating powers of the mists to offer healing and safety to others, trying to spread kindness so that nobody needs to suffer the way they did.


  • Isn't really much of a talker, preferring to listen to others and let actions speak for them. When they do speak, it's usually out of necessity like trying to settle an argument but their usual tactics aren't getting through. Anytime they speak they apologize profusely afterwards, even if they haven't done anything wrong.
  • Tries to avoid direct conflict when at all possible, preferring to stay in the backlines and keep the actual fighters alive and kicking. This is not to say that their hand-to-hand skills are weak though, they're surprisingly quick and nimble.


  • Do not remember their original birthday, instead celebrate their 're-birthday' on the anniversary of the day they were given the Arcandor fruit.