Hana Moonsong
~ Bug-Collecting Archer ~

quick statistics
pronouns: she/her
age: 1089
birthday: 6/4
height: 6'7"
weight: 168 lbs
blood type: A
eyes: black
hair: magenta
fav colour: violet
fav flavor: sweet
fav element: bug


  • In her early life, Hana trained as an archer to join the night elven Sentinel defence force. After her recruitment, mostly performed simple patrol jobs and watch tower duties, until the Sentinel units were pulled to fight in the War of the Shifting Sands.
  • During the course of the war in Silithus, with the night elven forces relentlessly purging the silithid insects that called the region home, Hana had the realization that they were the bad guys in this fight, coming in to a desert that nobody lived in just to exterminate legions of bugs for the crime of living. The Dordrassil "restoration" project was not worth the destruction of the desert's native ecosystem.
  • This shattered her views of what her people stood for, and she went rogue, quitting the Sentinels, not wanting to participate in the further destruction of innocent animals. She would later protest against the Archdruid, and was a vocal part of a minority of elves who believed that the War of the Shifting Sands was going too far.
  • Became a travelling adventurer, taming multiple 'violent' and 'aggressive' insects and keeping them as partners to show the world that bugs can be our friends, even the big scary looking ones. At first started out of spite, but she has grown a very genuine affection for them over the years.


  • Loves bugs. Will kill for bugs. If someone tells her to kill a bug she will tame the bug and keep it instead, and if necessary will lie that she killed it. She is the #1 defender of bugs everywhere and will not stand for bug hate of any kind. She thinks they're absolutely adorable, and tries her damndest to get others to see it too.
  • Will 'test' people she meets by introducing them to her bug companions. Regardless of their reaction she will end up talking about how cool bugs are, with the tone being more defensive if they reacted negatively. Anyone willing to pet or feed her bugs is a friend in her book.
  • Has basically built her entire brand around insects, she likes to collect trinkets and clothes that showcase buggy motifs, and has commissioned a bunch of paintings of bugs to decorate her room in their guildhall.


  • During the war in Pandaria, she explored the areas beyond the Serpent's Spine, and found a wounded Mantid in need of assistance. She helped him up, and through a series of events ended up becoming a wakener, and assisting the Klaxxi in overtaking their corrupt mantid queen.