~ Dinosauric Druid of Shapes ~

quick statistics
pronouns: she/her
age: 54
birthday: 1/2
height: 8'1"
weight: 242 lbs
blood type: B
eyes: white
hair: magenta
fav colour: violet
fav flavor: savory
fav element: air


  • Zandalari member of the Raptari, a worshipper of Gonk, the Loa of Shapes.
  • Granted the power of shapeshifting by her loa, which she uses to bring balance to the food chains and ecosystems of Zandalar, and ensure the continued thriving of those species designated for the hunt.


  • Appreciates all animals to a degree, but thinks dinosaurs are the absolute apex predator of any given ecosystem, the ultimate lifeforms.
  • Very ignorant to the animals and cultures outside of Zandalar. Often commits social faux-pas unintentionally because she works under the standards of how people act in her homeland.
  • Often is in one of her various animal shapes, even when nothing is going on. She says it helps her keep in tune with the environment better.


  • Knows the names of every variety of dinosaur native to Zandalar.