fun facts
- Pronunciation guide: Dye-ann Loon-deh-veed-nwar
- Has hypersensitivity, particularly to light and sound. These are common traits for Duskwight given their cave-dwelling nature, but she experiences it even more intensely than average.
- Is terrible at holding her liqour. Completely avoids alcohol to prevent embarassing herself.
- She supposedly has a very distinct Duskwight accent from what others have told her, but she has no idea what that means. To her she just sounds normal.
- Is an only child, does her best to visit her parents regularly and make sure they don't get too worried about her.
- Has a lucky streak, often gets away with things she shouldn't due to coincidental happenstance.
physical description
- Fairly short (by Elezen standards) at 6'2, skinny build with toned legs.
- Androgynous look, with a flat chest, deep voice, and short messy hair. Likely could pass as a boy if she wore different clothes.
- Forearms are usually covered in bandages, to cover up cuts from facing down monsters.
- Styles her outfits generally in the midpoint of 'cool' and 'cute', accentuating her waist and legs while keeping her chest and neck covered, and her bandaged arms hidden under loose sleeves
- Nearly always wearing a purple witch hat.
- Percevain Lundevidenoir and Marionne Lundevidenoir - Family <3.
- Sathies Asamos - Second cousin through the Nightingale family tree, a good friend and briefly boss as the head of House Asamos. Their relationship had been a little strained when he took her as a ward, but it's behind them now. Dianne deeply cares for her newfound family member.
- Kjellska Olgasch - Close friend, confidant, and girlfriend. Greatly enjoys spending time with her, have slowly been figuring out what their new relationship means for them. Missing her now that she's gone out to Bozja again.
- Veil Ori'anami - Good supportive friend. Always down to talk fashion. Sorta jealous of how well she handles herself in a fight. Very appreciative of her support for the gem business.
- Fiddles Aelix - A good friend with strange but funny tendencies. Enjoys his silliness, although sometimes concerned by his lack of self-preservation.
- Lolonji Lon - Getting to know. Admires him as a mage, and impressed at his baking skills as well. Grateful of the tutelage he's offered her.
- Hermes Fargo - Somewhat spotty relationship. Friendly when he's in a good mood, but a bit scary when he gets serious. Appreciative of him taking her as an apprentice, but wishes he were a nicer teacher. Worried that he's lost respect for her after her outburst on Heavensturn.
- Mara Sagegrove - Fast friends, feels like they have similar vibes. A little bit afraid of how she carries herself in battle, but is in awe of her strength all the same. Worries about her health and safety with her condition and tendency to throw herself into danger.
- Kobaya Koyanskaya - Loathes. Sees Kobaya as a massive hypocrite for hiding behind how Dianne 'doesn't know him' while acting as if he knows everything about her and judging her for it. Have recently agreed to a shaky peace at the urging of their mutual friend Veil.