Aria Lumineth
~ Adopted Hero of the Arakkoa ~

quick statistics
pronouns: she/her
age: 36
birthday: 5/27
height: 5'5"
weight: 118 lbs
blood type: AB
eyes: yellow
hair: red
fav colour: orange
fav flavor: salty
fav element: light


  • Aria Lumineth was a blood elf who travelled with her parents when Kael'Thas led the blood elves to join Illidan. She picked up some fighting skills from her parents, but when the Illidari went to attack the Frozen Throne, she got separated from them, and couldn't find them while having to retreat to Outland.
  • Alone and seemingly orphaned, she wanders off despondent and eventually stumbles into Shattrath, where A'dal's Light welcomes her in and offers her a home.
  • She finds herself in the lower city and becomes overly curious about the Arakkoa, and a pair of them warm up to Aria and end up taking her in and teaching her of their culture, history, and the Light.
  • When the Scryers come to Shattrath, she slowly reacquaints herself with other blood elves, but prefers the company of her arakkoa family
  • Later still, the Shattered Sun Offensive is formed to prevent Kael'Thas from summoning Kil'Jaeden to the Sunwell. Aria, with a personal grudge against Kael'Thas for the events of the Frozen Throne incident, joins the cause.
  • After purifying the Sunwell with Light, she decides to take it as a sign and join the other Blood Elves in the Horde as a paladin.


  • Generally tries to be a very positive person, always looking for chances to help out and do good. She will drop anything to help out a child in need.
  • Due to her somewhat strange upbringing she has a very poor grasp on social situations and what a 'normal' conversation topic is.
  • Is a frequent hugger much to some of her friends dismay (she is very strong and also for the undead her hugs come with a mild burning sensation)
  • Doesn't like thinking about her life before she arrived in Shattrath, subconsciously blocks a lot of the traumatic memories of those events. She absolutely loves her Arakkoa found family, but still carries the weight of losing both of her parents in one night.


  • In between missions she tries to find the time to travel to Shattrath and catch up with her adoptive arakkoa fathers. She's really excited whenever a chance to talk about arakkoa culture comes up, and was super excited to visit the Spires of Arak while on AU Draenor.
  • Her father, Rondo Lumineth, died in the Frozen Throne incident and was resurrected as a San'layn, while her mother Dawn is a member of the Illidari. They are both unaware that the other is still alive, assuming that they died alongside Rondo.
  • Her two arakkoa fathers are Skettis exiles living in the Lower City of Shattrath. Their names are Rakkam (red with purple tips) and Irrix (yellow with magenta tips)
  • Not actively a member of the Scryers in Shattrath, but if you asked if she supported them she would say yes.