
hiya! this page is for those who would like to leave feedback of any kind on my website, or to just say hello!

to leave a message in the guestbook, simply fill out the boxes below and click send!
this is not an instant process, all messages are manually looked over by myself before being added, so please be considerate and don't spam messages, i will get to your message as soon as i can! thank you~!


6/9/2024, 9:14am - Jared writes:

Nina, I think you did good that website.

nina responds:

jared, i think you're a cool

5/30/2024, 9:07pm - anonymous writes:

hello! :3

nina responds:

hiya :>

5/20/2024, 2:30am - MegaFreak400 writes:

Nina is cool

nina responds:


5/4/2024, 3:44pm - tim writes:

cool website, but you should add gutless downvotes to the guestbook

nina responds:

ill look into it, but most of the html tutorials are only showing me how to add gutful downvotes

1 anonymous users gutlessly downvoted this post.

5/3/2024, 10:58pm - LINDA DOT ZONE writes:

this is a preddy cool websize i open it and look at it while i eat my gruel :D

nina responds:

im glad my website is enriching to your gruel-time experience! please make sure to read it at least once a year!