scarab art bog

this page is a gallery of almost all of the visual art i've produced and published online.
each piece is accompanied by its title, date, and medium, as well as small bits of commentary on the piece.
all art is arranged in chronological order, with the most recent pieces towards the top.
many of these works have been shrunk to fit the page, so if you wish to see a piece in more detail you can right click it to view it in a new tab.
lastly, some images are hidden by default due to potentially sensitive content, and appear as an image of blue and pink stars. to view the actual image, click on the button in the piece's description.
please peruse and enjoy at your leisure :>

in interest of keeping this gallery clean, there is a seperate page for showcasing my sketches, comics, and other less serious art. that page can be found here!

a compilation of 6 sketchbook pages, each page filled out with numerous small drawings each with a date in the corner.

Summer 2024 Daily Sketch Collection

june-august 2024
pencil on paper

this is a collection of drawings i made during the summer of 2024. as something fun to do during the break, i decided to try drawing something every day. it was a really fun challenge, and helped a lot with breaking some of the artist block i had been going through recently. some of the pieces from this daily challenge (specifically the ones featuring violetta and scarlet) have been cleaned up and coloured digitally, which can be found elsewhere on the site. if you want a closer look and some thoughts on any particular piece, i have individual posts for each one that can be found on my tumblr! when i started, i didn't have any real plans for how long i would stick with it, planning to drop it if/when i ran out of juice. im pleased to say i made it almost the entirety of the summer since starting, only ending because my school semester was starting back up again. i might try this again next year!

a logo for an imaginary sports team named the Virbank Distortion. the logo consists of the team's name, with 'Virbank' above stylized in an angular greenish-grey colour reminiscent of an audio oscilloscope. Underneath that is 'Distortion' drawn in a loose graffiti-esque style, each letter being its own colour with a very splotchy and painted texture, with simplified skulls forming the dots above the i's.

Virbank Distortion

july 2024
digital logo design

this is the logo for my team in the Unova-based fourth season of The Citrus League, a competitive pokemon-battling sports league between friends. the Distortion franchise represents Virbank City in Unova. the general concept behind the team is to base it on a poisonous punk-rock aesthetic in the same vein as Virbank's gym leader Roxie. the name 'Distortion' comes from the effect pedal used for electric guitars. i struggled a lot with art/writers block when concepting this team, especially when it came to deciding on a 'mascot' pokemon. eventually i decided to skip out on one, so the logo doesn't feature any pokemon design language, even indirectly. i wouldn't say this one is bad, but i am a bit disappointed in how this one turned out. i tried some new techniques to get the sort of look i was going for, including using a physical sketch as a baseline which was a first for these logos, but i couldn't really get it to look the way i pictured it in my head. the season itself was fun at least, with some of the standout players being Audrey the Audino, バスキュリンさん the Blue-striped Basculin, and EYE OF DA MUMMY the Cofagrigus.

a logo for an imaginary sports team named the Sunyshore CybirdZ. the logo consists of a stylized Porygon-Z from Pokemon, with a large Z-shaped trail of dark magenta and indigo coloured squares behind it. to the side of the Porygon-Z are the words 'Sunyshore CybirdZ' rendered in retro WordArt. Sunyshore is a flat indigo colour, with CybirdZ being a indigo-magenta gradient. The entire image has minor distortion and filtering on it to appear is if it was rendered on an old computer monitor.

Sunyshore CybirdZ

february 2024
digital logo design

this is the logo for my team in the Sinnoh-based fourth season of The Citrus League, a competitive pokemon-battling sports league between friends. the CybirdZ franchise represents Sunyshore City in Sinnoh, and harkens back to my season one team the Celadon Cybirds. Fittingly, the mascot of the CybirdZ is a Porygon-Z, an evolution of the original Cybirds mascot Porygon added in the Sinnoh games. This logo mostly was made as a parallel to the original Cybirds one, with similar design aspects but done slightly differently, such as the trail being a Z shape rather than a C one, and bolder purple-r colours that contrast with the brighter pastels of the Cybirds. The choice of Sunyshore city was mainly to keep the alliteration, but its also a high-tech sort of city with its electric gym and raised solar-panel walkways.

a logo for an imaginary sports team named the LaRousse Legends. the logo depicts a series of blue windows connected by silver lining with a double-helix shape visible behind the glass. flanking each side is a robot made of four blocks in a T-shape, with a => face on their main block. blue/green scifi-style text reads 'LaRousse Legends' in front of the glass.

LaRousse Legends

january 2024
digital logo design

another team logo created for The Citrus League, a competitive pokemon-battling sports league between friends. the LaRousse Legends were the team i ran for a small tournament cup based around the Gen 4 Ubers metagame, so i made this team brand to fit that idea. LaRousse refers to LaRousse City, the setting of the Destiny Deoxys movie, and Legends is a reference to legendary pokemon as well as being alliterative. the design of the logo is based on the battle tower and some blocky robots from the forementioned movie.

a logo for an imaginary sports team named the Mossdeep Meteors. the logo depicts a stylized two-tone image of Mossdeep island from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire in a metallic silver with a dark purple night sky above and a large trailing silver meteor. below is large silver text reading 'Mossdeep Meteors', with the EO in meteors resembling a Lunatone and Solrock respectively.

Mossdeep Meteors

october 2023
digital logo design

this is the logo for my team in the Hoenn-based third season of The Citrus League, a competitive pokemon-battling sports league between friends. the Meteors franchise represents Mossdeep City in Hoenn, with the logo style meant to evoke a badge or patch seen on a NASA astronaut uniform. the EO in Meteors being a Lunatone and Solrock are references to the ace monsters of Mossdeep gym leaders Tate & Liza, as well as being space-bound pokemon and players on the Meteors team.

a digital painting depicting the body of a young man who has fallen face-down into a swamp in the middle of the night. emerging from his back like a cocoon is a moth-woman with four insectoid arms, a furry white chest with black neck-fluff, a mouthless face, short messy black hair, fuzzy antennae, and large green wings with dramatic eyespots. she is covered in blood from the process of emerging, and is staring towards the viewer with glowing red eyes. surrounding the piece is an array of spindly leafless trees, and a dark near-new moon hangs overhead.

metamorphosis ~ imago

october 2023
digitized sketch + digital painting

content warning for: insects, blood, body horror.

a logo for an imaginary sports team named the Azalea Dynasty. the logo consists mainly of the words 'Azalea Dynasty'. azalea is written above in magenta, with a font mimicing freehand writing and stylized in all lowercase. below that, Dynasty is rendered in a dark indigo-violet with a very fancy royal looking typeface. the D in Dynasty is replaced with half of a ladybug shell, which is magenta with dark indigo-violet spots. hanging off of the top of the shell is a golden crown with three gemstones inlaid. inbewteen the two words are 3 stylized azalea flowers in magenta with small flourishes to the left and right.

Azalea Dynasty

july 2023
digital logo design

this is the logo for my team in the Johto-based second season of The Citrus League, a competitive pokemon-battling sports league between friends. the Dynasty franchise represents Azalea Town in Johto. the D in the Dynasty logo is a Ledian elytra with a crown on it, representing the ace monster of the Dynasty, Lady Azalea, who is a Ledian. the name for the Dynasty originally came from the scientific name for the hercules beetle Dynastes hercules as the initial plan was to base the branding around Heracross. Over time i shifted lanes away from Heracross and towards Ledian instead, with Dynasty still fitting thematically in the more royal sense in relation to ladybugs. For the Heracross fans out there, dont worry: Sir Gladiolus the Heracross was a mainstay in the Dynasty roster throughout the season, masterfully defending his Lady from the prevalent Snorlax threat.

a depiction of a character in a very rough style, with messy lineart and flat colouring. the character in question is a female vampire sitting on an abstract surface and posing towards the viewer. she has pale grey skin, messy neck-length black hair, pointed ears, and 6 small stylized black bat wings.  she is wearing a pair of large red circular sunglasses, a light blue crescent moon-shaped hairpin, a blue coat loosely off the shoulders, a tight black crop top with a diamond cut out over her chest and tall collar covering her neck, pink shorts, purple and black striped socks, matching purple and black striped fingerless sleeves, grey and magenta sneakers, and a key strung around her neck. she is smiling towards the viewer mischievously and holding her right hand up in a peace sign.


june 2023
touched-up ms paint sketch

a sketch in ms paint of a concept for an original character design that i had. at the time of creation this file was simply named "vampy oc" as this was very early in the stages of creating Violetta. if you want to learn more about Violetta, click here.

a logo for an imaginary sports team named the Celadon Cybirds. the logo consists of a stylized Porygon from Pokemon in profile, with a large C-shaped trail of magenta and celadon coloured squares behind it. to the side of the Porygon are the words 'Celadon Cybirds' rendered in retro WordArt. Celadon is a flat celadon colour (blue-ish green), with Cybirds being a pink-magenta gradient. The entire image has minor distortion and filtering on it to appear is if it was rendered on an old computer monitor.

Celadon Cybirds

may 2023
digital logo design

this is the logo for my team in the Kanto-based inaugural season of The Citrus League, a competitive pokemon-battling sports league between friends. the Cybirds franchise represents Celadon City in Kanto. As is likely self-evident, the team logo is based around the eponymous Porygon, The Celadon Cybird. The name Cybird is a portmanteau of cyber and bird, as Porygon is a kind of digital duck. Other names considered in the planning phase were Digiducks and Digibirds, but the elegance of Cybirds won out. As for the representative city, i was torn between Saffron City and Celadon City, both being alliterative with Cybird and having ties to Porygon: Saffron being the home of Silph Co. the implied creators of Porygon, and Celadon being consistently the only place you can actually get a Porygon as a Game Corner prize. in the end i went with Celadon, as i could use celadon (the colour) in the colour scheme of the logo, whereas saffron (the colour) wouldn't work without alterations.

an acrylic painting depicting a scene looking down a creek that runs below a far-off bridge. the creek is rendered in a dark teal colour below a bright blue sky. on either side it is banked by heavy bright green foliage, with an abundance of trees sticking out in multiple directions. the left bank of the creek is overrun by yellow reeds. in the center of the painting off in the distance is a simple stone arched bridge in black.

creek bridge

april 2023
acrylic on canvas

creek bridge is a project for a painting class i took in the spring semester 2023. there were 5 projects total, but most of them were either abstract exercises in colour choice or imitations of existing works. as such creek bridge is the only project from that class that i feel like is truly My art, and so here it lives. the painting itself depicts a photo of some natural scenery nearby my home.

a digital painting depicting a young witch flying by broom over a snowy mountain range in the winter. the witch has neck-length black hair and pink eyes, and is wearing a black sleeveless turtle neck sweater, a pink scarf, dark violet detached sleeves, a dark violet puffy skirt, pale blue and purple striped tights, magenta shoes, and a violet witch hat with a pink ribbon and a white puffball at the tip. she is smiling broadly at the viewer, holding onto her broom with her left hand and holding her right hand up to her face in a peace sign. in the background are two snowcapped mountains, and a colourful aurora is visible in the night sky, with purple pink teal and yellow arcs. snow is flying wildly throughout the frame.

winter witch / snowy aurora

november 2022
digitized sketch + digital painting

a season-inspired piece for winter 2022, winter witch is a sort of hybrid between my pencil-sketch figure drawings and my digital landscape paintings. while its not the first time i've made a digital background to place a figure on, ones in the past were typically very simple backgrounds just meant to help frame the piece in a setting. in contrast the background in winter witch can stand as a piece on its own, and in that form it is called 'snowy aurora'. you can toggle between winter witch and snowy aurora by pressing this button (it may take a few seconds to load):

a digital painting depicting an alraune, a type of carnivorous plant monster who takes the form of a nude woman emerging from the center of a large flower. the alraune in question has dark neck-length hair, crimson eyes, and a toned body. she is sitting in the center of a large crimson rose, entwined by three prehensile vines that each end in a smaller rose bearing a set of human teeth. in her hand she holds a skull inhabited by a centipede crawling through its eyeholes. the alraune's head faces the skull, but she side-eyes the viewer with a menacing smile. the entire scene takes place in a misty forest at night, with many black gangly leafless trees framing the alraune and fading into the distance.

crimson flower

october 2022
digitized sketch + digital painting

content warning for: artistic nudity.

a set of 3 character sprites in the style of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 characters. the first character on the left is a Kevesi attacker, a high entia man with short brown hair and headwings and green eyes. he is wearing a dark grey hooded longcoat with teal lining and Kevesi power rigs going along the sleeves over a simple grey undershirt, desaturated jeans, a belt with a triangular Keves buckle, and black combat boots with power rigs on the rims. next to him is an Agnian healer, a girl with neck-length dark hair under a purple-ish grey newsboy cap and hazel eyes. running across her body are also multiple glowing blue ether lines, going through her eyes and down her arms and legs. she wears an indigo sleeveless turtleneck, black shorts, a white armoured skirt connected by a red strap, thigh-high black socks, armoured white shoes with red accent, and long black fingerless gloves with white armguards tied on by red straps. the third character is a Kevesi tank, a high entia woman with curly blonde hair tied up in a bun with similarly coloured headwings, and bright blue eyes. she wears a black and red visor with a Keves triangle insignia on it, a tattered red coat with rolled up sleeves over a black turtleneck with the midriff exposed, silver elbowguards with Kevesi power rigs, desaturated brown cargo pants with a red belt containing a power rig, red and black combat boots, and a pink necklace on a silver chain.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 sprites

september 2022 (first two), march 2023 (rightmost)
digital character designs

these are three character sprite icons in the style of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 representing myself and two friends as we would appear as Agnian and Kevesi soldiers. on the left is my friend Styrm as a Kevesi Attacker, in the middle is myself as an Agnian Healer, and on the right is my friend Avelyn as a Kevesi Defender. sprites were made using Noah, Sena, and Eunie's sprites as bases respectively, but most of the work is original design.

a digital painting depicting a sea of colourful stars on a dark purple background. In focus is a large full moon, and a collection of pink stars forming a constellation in the shape of a scarab beetle, which appears to be grasping the moon in its mandibles and lifting it heavensward.

lunar scarab

december 2021
digital painting

lunar scarab is probably my favourite piece i've ever done. there's really not much to say about it, its a bright scarab-shaped constellation holding the moon in its mandibles and lifting it high. this is a concept that i had been cooking for years, but had been waiting for the right time to execute it so that my abilities could live up to my vision. more so than any of my other works depicting renditions of myself, this piece is me.

a depiction of the moon on the verge of a full lunar eclipse. the moon is mostly a deep red, with a crescent sliver of white along the bottom left. the moon sits in a simple dark purple night sky.

lunar eclipse

november 2021
digital painting

this piece was made to commemorate the lunar eclipse that happened in november of 2021. i don't have any sort of professional camera to take a photo of the moon with, so instead i went to create a painting of it instead. this is probably one of my simplest pieces due to its subject matter and the short time span in which it was created.

a digital painting depicting an insectoid woman among multiple Zerg creatures from the StarCraft series. the main figure is a zerg-ified human similar to the Queen of Blades from StarCraft. she has veiny pale purple skin, pink eyes glowing with psionic energy, neck-length dark brown 'hair' made of segmented joints, a large brown 'hat' with the appearance of a beetle's shell with red compact eyes, brown insectoid carapace coming from her forearms, shins, chest, and collarbone, a 'skirt' made of segmented tendrils with purple leathery membrane between them, and two large translucent green insect wings. she stands posed dramatically facing the sky with one hand raised in a grasping shape. she is on a cliff in a zerg-infested world with purple creep covering the ground and a distant mountain range. a zergling stands at her side, and in the distance can be seen a flying zerg overlord, two mutalisks, and a leviathan. the scene takes place at twilight, with the horizon bathed in stark orange light fading up to dark purple.


october 2021
digitized sketch + digital painting

content warning for: insects, body horror, blizzard entertainment.

a digital painting depicting a young woman waving towards the viewer and offering them an array of dialogue options. the girl has neck-length dark hair and hazel eyes, and is wearing a blue fabric mask around her eyes, a dark blue capelet over a blue tunic, blue leggings, black boots, and dark blue fingerless gloves. beside her are 7 grey boxes reminiscent of videogame ui, each of which say 'yowhatup' in pink text. she is standing in the Land of Wind and Shade, a bright blue hilly area, and is surrounded by fireflies.

yowhatup 413

april 2021
digitized sketch + digital painting

this was a piece i made to observe international Homestuck day (april 13th) by recreating my absolute favourite panel from the comic but with myself in the place of roxy. (this is what the refrance). since this is a panel recreation there wasnt much in the way of like composition or inspiration stories to tell, so... yeah. thats all lol.
oh! yowhatup in particular is a reference to Simpleflips (shoutouts to Simpleflips) who ingrained the phrase into my brain. ironically he spells it differently than i do, stylizing it as 'yo waddup'.

a reference sheet showing a front, profile, and back view of a character alongside a few props. along the top is a descriptor for the character: 'Nina - Level 21 Rogue/Scholar'. the character in question is a young girl with neck-length dark hair, hazel eyes, and pointed ears. she is wearing a black newsboy cap, a blue sleeveless turtleneck, a long pink scarf, brown shorts tied by a dark brown belt, black leggings, brown shoes, black detached sleeves, and blue fingerless gloves. tied to her belt are a pair of objects that are detailed seperately, a purple tome with a crescent moon and rain design, and a kunai connected to a chain with a beetle-mouth shaped claw on the other end. additionally, there is a small purple fairy with blue butterfly wings and a small crescent moon above its head.


february 2021
digitized sketch

this is an old reference sheet for a sona in the style of the Final Fantasy universe. the fashion is mostly inspired by the characters of FF7, with the class and weapons taking inspiration from various other games in the series. im not really a fan of how this came out, i think the proportions are really off in some places. i also think this design is a bit mid nowadays, i would definitely change this up if i were to go back to this concept. actually i already kinda did, the Xenoblade 3 sprite a few pictures up is a variant on this design and i like that version a lot more even if the differences are fairly minimal.

a digital drawing depicting what appears to be the corpse of a woman that has been overrun by spiders standing hunched over in the corner of a dim room. the woman has grey-tinged skin, long dark hair, one visible hazel eye, and pronounced fangs. she is wearing a torn blue t-shirt and dark grey pants. a large black widow spider is perched on her head. her hair covers her right eye, which is implied to be missing as spiders are seen crawling out from below her hair. her left arm is cut off below the elbow, right hand at the knuckles, and both legs below the knee. where the body parts end are large masses of spiders, with a particularly massive conglomeration where her legs meet the ground. a number of spiders are also scattered about her and the environment. a large spider web is woven behind her, as well as in the window to the left. a cracked and faded photo hangs on the wall.

but she was already a brimming glass of spiders

october 2020
digitized sketch

content warning for: spiders, body horror, gore.

a collection of sprites in the style of Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. most of them depict a girl with dark neck-length hair wearing a black newsboy cap, a black sleeveless top, a blue neckerchief, a blue skirt, black knee-high socks, and blue sneakers. another sprite depicts a young man with short dark hair with a pink streak, a small moustache and goatee, and large orange and pink wings wearing a pink crop top, a white bomber jacket, pink shorts, and pink/orange hi-top sneakers.

Pokemon GSC Sprites

june 2020 and august 2020
pixel art

a collection of trainer sprites made in the style of Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal on the GBC. I made a full set of sprites representing myself for use in the romhack Pokemon Crystal Clear, which has neat character customization and supports importing custom sprites. ironically after making these sprites i then proceeded to not play the actual romhack for very long before getting bored ^^;
later that year in August as a birthday gift for my friend Mike i made a battle sprite of his main sona, which was a fun process trying to pare that design down to just 4 colours and still make it recognizable. theyre a massive Pokemon fan, and are actually currently making a cool nuzlocke comic called Pokemon Constellation, which you should check out :>

a painting depicting the titular house and four main characters from The Haunting at Hill House by Shirley Jackson. the house is large and imposing, surrounded by trees, with a winding dirt path leading to it from a locked wrought-iron gate. the house has many crooked angles and asymmetries, with a large awning, a balcony, multiple chimneys, a stone tower, and a protruding dorm. in front of the house looking towards it are four people. from left to right they are Luke, a tall man with short brown hair, a white shirt, and blue pants. Dr. Montague, an older gentleman with balding grey hair, a brown leather coat with elbow patches, and faded jeans. Theodora, a woman with long dark hair, a bright yellow jacket, a dark blue skirt, and black leggings. and Eleanor, a young woman with orange-blonde hair, a red sweater, and a long white skirt.

hill house

may 2020
digital painting

this piece was made as part of a project for a literature class i took at the time. one of the works we had read was The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, which if you're unfamiliar is a horror story involving four characters living in the titular Hill House and experiencing an array of paranormal happenings. the house itself is said to be built in a bizarre and confusing fashion, with many nonsensical features and crooked angles. This piece is my interpretation of what the Hill House may look like, alongside its four residents (from left to right) Luke, Dr. Montague, Theodora, and Eleanor. the idea of bizarre and nonstandard architecture has always been very striking imagery to me, so i had a lot of fun trying to piece together the house's appearance based on the descriptions given in the book. i would give examples, but that was over 3 years ago now so i dont remember any of the specifics haha.

a drawing of a vampire woman sitting on a throne. she has pale grey skin, chest-length black hair, red eyes, prominent fangs, pointed ears, and two bloody marks on her neck. she is wearing a black corset over a white puffy-sleeved shirt with the top unbuttoned, a large two-tone cape that is purple on the outside and red on the inside with a tall collar, black tight pants, and dark brown knee-high leather boots. she is sitting sideways on an elaborate wooden armchair with red velvet cushioning, with her left arm leaning against one armrest and her crossed legs propped up on the other armrest. in her free hand she is holding a glass of wine/blood with her pinky extended. she is facing the viewer and smiling menacingly towards them. in the background is a large full moon against a twilight sky.

countess nina

october 2019
digitized sketch over composited background

my halloween piece for 2019, and the first one of my halloween pieces in this gallery that isnt behind a content warning haha. countess nina is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, myself as a vampire countess. very funny in hindsight that at the time i considered this 'spicy' art for showing some cleavage, when i have now done full on nude pieces lol. the outfit design is mostly inspired by generic period vampire outfits, nothing crazy there. interestingly i think this is the longest hair that i've ever drawn myself with, tied with my 2020 halloween piece, but unlike that one where i genuinely did have long hair from not getting it cut all pandemic, i believe i actually had short hair around this time so this one was a stylistic choice. probably inspired by the various long-haired castlevania characters. something that may be obvious is that this background is not actually something i made, i simply took a zoomed-in chunk of the sky from my last painting and combined it with a png of the moon i got from NASA i believe. i still really like the character design and posing of this one, but the laziness on the background is kind of embarassing to look back on now haha.

a painting of a large cell tower silhouetted against the sky at dusk. the tower is tall and triangular, with many criss-crossing beams. near the top are multiple antennae arrays, which are blinking with red lights. below the tower are silhouettes of the treeline. in the background the sky is rendered as a very textured blending of deep crimson at the bottom shifting in value to a dark indigo near the top.

dusk tower

september 2019
digital painting

dusk tower is sort of an odd one out among my paintings. typically i prefer to paint more natural scenery and/or celestial objects. dusk tower is explicitly not that, as the focus of the composition is the titular cell tower silhouetted against the sky at dusk. the inspiration for this painting actually came to me while i was riding home from a sports game and saw basically the exact scene depicted in the painting out of the car window. it was such striking imagery that it stuck in my mind and made me think 'i want to paint this', so i did. im very proud of how this piece turned out, the sky in particular has a really interesting texture and colour blending to it that almost emulates a physical oil painting, and the juxtaposition of it against the stark black rigid lines of the tower make for interesting visual contrast.

a painting of a girl posing in front of an abstract purple background. the girl has shoulder-length dark hair and hazel eyes. she is wearing a black newsboy cap, a blue t-shirt, a dark blue skirt, black leggings, and black knee-high boots. she is smiling and winking at the viewer, holding her right hand up to her face in a peace sign and her left hand down against her hip making a 'ok' gesture.

its me nina

august 2019
digital painting

a self-portrait of myself done in an experimental style where instead of my usual way of drawing people where i create a sketch with paper and pencil and then scan it in, i went for a lineless style, skipping straight to painting using different colours and shading to help distinguish edges and textures. i think it worked pretty well, but overall i prefer working with a pencil sketch done first since its easier to showcase smaller details and texture that way imo.

a digital painting depicting a small house in the woods in the middle of a rainstorm. the house has a dark red exterior, a simple wooden door, a window that is glowing a warm yellow from the inside, and a slate roof with a silver gutter. there is a worn dirt path leading to the door. in front of the house is a pond, and surrounding the house is a deep forest, with a wooden fence extending from behind the house. the sky is a dark blue-ish gray, and rain is coming down heavily, flowing out of the gutter and into the lake.

rainy cabin

july 2019
digital painting

rainy cabin is a simple piece, i was going for a sort of cozy atmosphere here with the heavy rainstorm outside paired with the warm glow emanating from within the cabin. i really love rain, the sound of it, the feeling (when its not too hard), the way it tints everything a dark blue, etc. a lot of my old paintings have rain and tbh i should make more its been too long since i made a rain piece. this is not really relevant to rainy cabin but i really want to try making an animated rain painting sometime.

a painting of an alien planet, with a lilac and teal green surface obscured by white clouds, floating in space. it is surrounded by a purple nebula, with a number of stars of varying sizes and colours within.

galaxy brain

march 2019
digital painting

galaxy brain is a fairly simple piece, just a strange planet floating in space in a sort of purple nebula with a bunch of differently coloured stars. this has definitely been overtaken by lunar scarab as a depiction of a starry sky, but i still think galaxy brain has some nice qualities to it. i do like the way that the planet turned out, with the strange colour scheme blocked by clouds and the shading to showcase its dark side away from whatever sun it orbits. honestly the biggest problem with this one is that the name makes no sense and is just there as a reference, nothing about this piece is a galaxy its just a single planet with a bunch of faraway stars.

a digital painting based on Bob Ross' Distant Mountains. the scene is of a sunny day, a distant mountain range with a small pine forest at its base across a large lake. the viewer is placed on the near side of the lake on a small dirtpath bordered by bright bushes and some tall pine trees.

nina ross (distant mountains)

november 2018
ditigal painting

this was a paint-along of Bob Ross's The Joy of Painting, specifically S14E01 Distant Mountains. of course this was done digitally instead of physically with oil painting as Bob does it, so i had to try a lot of interesting techniques to replicate what he does in a digital form. this was a really fun experience, and it helped a lot in training my skills in how to render digital paintings to sort of mimic traditional painting textures and tools. given the difference in medium, i'm actually really proud of how accurate to the real deal this piece turned out, even if i had to pause Bob a lot in order to catch up. it really made me appreciate how much quicker colour selection is on a physical painters palette where you can just mix stuff and edit it until you get what you want, rather than fiddling with a bunch of sliders and levels.

a painting depicting a full moon at night in the middle of a rainstorm. the clouds part to let the moon shine down, onto a large lake that stretches out the moonlight and reflects the ring of dark trees that surround it.

midnight storm

november 2018
digital painting

midnight storm is one of my earliest digital paintings, and the first one where i didnt sketch out a plan on paper ahead of time. despite that, i think midnight storm is still probably one of my favourite pieces. the simplicity of its imagery and colour scheme helps a lot i think, with the only real colours of note being the dark purple of the sky, the black of the treeline, and the white of the moon (with some subtle gray for the stormclouds). i use this image as my icon for my art-based twitter/tumblr accounts since i think its a standout, and making it the icon ensures its seen by visitors despite its age.

a painting depicting a girl sitting under a tree on a hill during a rainstorm. a few beetles and a spider can be seen on the tree. she looks off at a large cityscape in the distance, with many tall rectangular buildings reaching upward. the full moon is visible shining through the cloud layer.

rainy overlook

april 2018
digital painting

rainy overlook is what i would consider my first digital painting. the idea behind this one was that i wanted to try and make a nice computer/phone background, and wanted to make an image that incorporated a lot of various aesthetics that i was into at the time. some of these were incorporated better than others, and i think overall the composition is a bit messy with nothing really drawing the eye in. trying to include insects, a cloudy+rainy sky, the moon, and a cityscape all into one was a bit of a mistake, and i've since made paintings that focus on just one or two of these combining that work much better, such as midnight storm and lunar scarab. i also am not really into Big Cities anymore now that i have had actual experience visiting some lmao. theyre cool but i dont think i would really want to live in one. either way, regardless on my feelings on the actual piece, this still holds importance as the start of my journey as a digital painter. while i have been making art basically my entire life, this is about the point where i would say i became an Artist.
thank you for taking this journey back in time with me, i hope you enjoyed what you saw :>